Learn about type 3 diabetes and how to prevent it

In the past, it was communicable diseases that plagued the world. With advances in science, these have been controlled and people’s life expectancy has increased. However, the aging of the population, together with an unhealthy lifestyle, has favored the relentless appearance of the, often fatal, chronic diseases, such as Diabetes and Alzheimer’s .

In Spain, according to information from the Spanish Diabetes Federation, 14% of the population has Diabetes Mellitus, with around 400 thousand new cases of type 2 DM each year. This translates to almost 1,100 cases per day, and 45 cases per hour! On the other hand, according to the Spanish Alzheimer’s Confederation, more than 1.2 million Spaniards suffer from Alzheimer’s, and between 30% and 40% of the population have undiagnosed cases according to the Spanish Neurology Society. If these numbers have been on the rise, our interest in them should too!

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Type 3 Diabetes? Tips to prevent it

It is a proposed term to integrate the relationship between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease , and is often used for cases of type 2 DM those who are diagnosed with AD. Although it is a subject that needs more research, the proposal that it be called Type 3 Diabetes originates from the way in which the mechanisms activated in diabetes can favor the development of Alzheimer’s . Studies that have linked diabetes to Alzheimer’s blame glucose intolerance and decreased insulin production for this connection.

Advantages of knowing this info? People with diabetes can take preventive measures to control their condition and avoid developing Alzheimer’s, ideally, health systems should be the first to warn of this risk. People diagnosed with diabetes who have had an early diagnosis and / or who have a genetic predisposition to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia, should be aware of the symptoms of DM 3, which are the same as those of dementia or early Alzheimer’s disease.

A diet rich in fiber, omega-3 and antioxidants

Food will always be our great ally! And although there are many recommendations, in essence they are the following:

  •  High consumption of fruits, vegetables and seeds, such as flaxseed and chia. These foods help control blood glucose levels.
  •  Reduce or eliminate the consumption of processed and refined carbohydrates such as sugars, soft drinks and pastries, as well as reduce the consumption of alcohol and caffeine.
  •  Consume more fats rich in Omega-3, such as those from avocado, nuts, and olive oil; that have excellent anti-inflammatory properties to reduce the damage of oxidative stress characteristic of diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
  •  Avoid the consumption of industrial sausages as they are rich in nitrites, substances that have been linked to disorders such as hypertension.

Reduce the percentage of body fat

Increased adipose tissue is associated with increased insulin resistance. Starting to lower this index (they recommend between 5% and 7%), helps the body better assimilate insulin, allowing it to reduce blood glucose levels. This is achieved through a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

Quit smoking

Studies show that smokers are 30% to 40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. And those who develop DM may have greater insulin resistance and more difficulty controlling the disease. After looking at this data, don’t you think it’s worth the effort to quit this habit?

Monitor cholesterol and blood pressure levels

Many studies have found that high blood cholesterol levels and hypertension are risk factors for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s, so regular monitoring of these values ​​is important.

Staying physically active

Regular physical activity, both aerobic or cardiovascular and anaerobic or strength, is a great ally in these cases since it improves the way our body assimilates insulin -among many other benefits , helping to control blood glucose levels. If you are not used to exercising, don’t worry! Start with the activity that you feel most comfortable with. You can start walking 10 minutes a day and gradually increase the time. The important thing is to start!

Be mentally active

Physical activity is always talked about, but it is rare to hear recommendations on keeping our mind active. However, it is one of the most important! Since they have been shown to help protect brain function in older adults. Don’t get left behind! Learn new things. Do mental activities like crosswords and puzzles, and stay social, as it is also a powerful way to stimulate our minds.

Putting stress at bay

One of the greatest evils in today’s society! Use simple tools like deep breathing, meditation, yoga, spend time with nature, do something for others … Or whatever activity you notice that helps you feel less stressed or anxious. This helps improve our body’s sensitivity to insulin.

Sleep an average of 8 hours

To sleep like a baby! Studies show that poor sleep can be a risk factor for cognitive decline. Remember that the hours of sleep are what our body uses to recover from daily stress. The less you sleep, the less time you give your body to regenerate cells.

Be regular with the treatment of diabetes

Being disciplined has its reward! Like everything in life, consistency is essential for success. So working hand in hand with your specialist, complying with your treatment, and improving your lifestyle is a fundamental pillar in the success of any treatment. Remember that avoiding the progression of diabetes will prevent developing Alzheimer’s, or stop its progression, depending on the case.

Although there are still many studies to be done, the conclusion will always be: better to be safe than sorry. Don’t wait to develop a condition to take action. Unlike! Act proactively and start adopting a healthy lifestyle that helps prevent your body from expressing any signs of poor health.

Use all the discoveries and advances of science to prevent, not only thinking of you, but also to transmit all this knowledge to your loved ones and close circle. Be that seed that will help you continue to reap a better world.

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