Diet as a treatment for stress

Stress is a word that we hear more and more strongly. However, the ‘alert state’ that occurs in human beings under situations that are common to many of us ( moving, having children, new challenges …) is as old as the human race; And, as impressive as the stress treatment is, so is it.

The World Health Organization defines ‘stress’ as “physiological reactions that as a whole prepare the body for action”. In the past, these reactions were activated in emergency situations to allow survival. For example, running away from an animal to avoid being eaten. The current problem occurs because this answer, which should be ‘the exception’, unfortunately nowadays has become ‘the rule’ . In fact, in Spain, the VII study of CinfaSalud showed that almost 12 and a half million people (almost 26% of the population) feel that stress is a regular part of their lives.

In some situations, this cascade of reactions that is activated in the body by stress, can even save our lives ! And in moderate amounts, it is established that it improves the way we deal with daily situations, by helping us better manage our resources.

The problem comes when the resources (personal and / or social) to respond to the ‘stimuli’ that generate stress become insufficient! Unable to resolve the origin of the situation, this cascade of reactions is constantly repeated (many times without rest), causing our body to become overloaded and exhausted. In fact, many studies have established that people who live or work in stressful environments are at greater risk of suffering from diseases .

Despite studies showing the role of stress in the development and worsening of many diseases, most people – even many professionals – they do not contemplate measures to reduce the same in their daily life. The activities that best help in the treatment of stress naturally and in the long term depend fundamentally on each person and require a level of commitment, such as: meditation, physical activity, and food . Unfortunately, most human beings prefer to continue handling these types of internal situations with external tools, such as drugs.


To produce adrenaline, our body uses vitamin C from its reserves, so we must replace this additional expense by increasing the consumption of foods rich in this nutrient, such as guava and most citrus fruits: kiwi, lemon, strawberry, tangerine, orange …, and vegetables such as: pepper, tomato and cabbage. Vitamin C also helps to maintain our immune system; so if we do not increase their consumption in these situations, it is common for us to get sick . Probably more than once it has happened to you that, when something worries you, you catch a cold.

Another consequence of stress is that our body uses more proteins to strengthen the immune system, healing processes, and maintain vital organs. We are on our toes, remember? Therefore increasing the consumption of this nutrient is also a good tool to reduce the negative consequences in our body. In addition, dairy products, lean meats, and fish, provide tryptophan , which is an amino acid necessary to produce serotonin, the famous “hormone of happiness”.

Before getting to know my body better, if a situation stressed me out, it was common for me to crave foods rich in sugar or chocolate. And while that behavior has a reason for being, can you imagine eating these foods every time we are anxious or worried? They cause rapid energy and glucose peaks, which disappear quickly, and this has similar consequences on our emotional state, leading to rapid mood swings .


It is a practice that seeks to train the mind and increase the level of consciousness. Its popularity has increased by the benefits that they bring to those who regularly practice , such as a reduction in the level of tension, stress, anxiety, depression, and pain; In addition, it improves memory and energy level. In general, it optimizes the state of health. There are many ways to practice it, the idea is that you do it in the way that is most comfortable for you. So be sure to spend 5 minutes a day initially.

Physical activity

Staying physically active has more benefits than most people realize! Beyond what I can say about how good it feels to exercise, many studies confirm the effect it has on reducing exercise negative consequences of stress . So, let’s get moving!

The strongest motivation is to know that you are working to achieve what you have wanted so much. Whatever the reason you decided one day that you wanted to exercise, never lose sight of it on your way. From improving your physical appearance to burning some excess food, to de-stressing or as an activity to leave the house. Make what you have set as your goal your greatest source of inspiration.

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